What We Do

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Our mission is to collaborate with ​parents to deliver tailored education for ​students primarily in grades 3 to 8. We ​offer a comprehensive education ​program ranging from full-day, full-​subject instruction to individual subject ​modules, catering to the specific needs ​of each family.

Central to our curriculum is project-​based learning, where students engage ​in collaborative projects supported by ​personalized learning strategies during ​daily afternoon sessions.

Mo​rning Sessions










Af​ternoon Sessions

Project-Based Learning

What is Project-based ​Learning?

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Project-based learning, often ​abbreviated as PBL, is a model ​of learning in which students ​acquire knowledge and skills by ​collaborating with each other in ​response to a realistic and ​engaging question or problem.

PBL functions across all subjects ​and grade levels.

Elements of PBL

1.) Authenticity: Projects are designed around real-world issues or ​challenges that are meaningful to students, making the learning ​relevant and motivating.

2.) Inquiry: Students explore the project’s central question or ​problem, often through research and investigation, which fosters ​critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

3.) Collaboration: PBL often involves teamwork, where students ​work together to achieve shared goals, promoting interpersonal ​skills and communication.

4.) Student-driven: While teachers provide guidance and support, ​students have a degree of autonomy in how they approach and ​solve problems within the project, fostering independence and ​self-direction.

5.) Reflection: PBL typically includes opportunities for students to ​reflect on their learning process, assess their progress, and make ​adjustments as needed, promoting metacognative awareness.

6.) Presentation: Projects often lead up to a final product or ​presentation that demonstrates what students have learned or ​achieved. Sometimes this even involves sharing their work with ​an audience beyond the classroom!

Sample days

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Sample 8th Grade ​Ad​d-On

  • 11:00-12:00 Writing/Grammar
  • 12:00-1:00 Lunch/Freetime
  • 1​:00-4:00 Project-Based Learning

Sample 5th Grade Full-Day Education

  • 8:30-8:45 Arrive/Unpack
  • 8:45-9:15 Bible
  • 9:15-10:00 Math
  • 10:00-11:00 Reading/Vocabulary
  • 11:00-12:00 Writing/Grammar/Spelling
  • 12:00-1:00 Lunch and Recess
  • 1:00-4:00 Project-Based Learning
  • 4:00 Pickup

High School Hu​b

  • 8:30-12:00 May arrive any time ​and work on their homeschool ​studies.
  • 12:00-1:00 Lunch/Freetime
  • 1​:00-4:00 Project-Based Learning
Teenage girl talks during support group meeting

our philosopy

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The goal of education for us is to develop the ​qualities in students that are a reflection of our ​Creator God- knowledge, wisdom, goodness, ​love, and creativity- so that each student will ​thrive in their individual life and as part of their ​community.

We chose the word “Freedom” for our name for ​a few reasons:

1.) We want students to be free from constraints ​to learn how they are best gifted to learn.

2.) We want parents to have more options so ​they feel freedom to give their students the ​education they feel they need.

3.) We as teachers want the freedom to best ​practice education without the constraints of an ​established system.

Parental Autonomy

We believe parents should be able to make as many chioces ​as possible regarding their child’s education.

High Standards

We believe the best standard for a child is that child’s best. ​Sometimes that means adjusting our approach to reveal their best.

Value in Community

We believe that we must learn to value each other. One of ​the places that begins is the classroom.

Curiosity Welcome

We believe that curiosity is the lifeblood of learning. When ​questions arise, we believe they should be enganged.

Flexible Order

We believe that learning can be messy and sometimes look ​chaotic, however, all this happens within a given structure.


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Complete Program: $500/month

Project-Based Learning Only: $400/month

Single Subject Area Only: $150 per subject/month

High School Hub Only: $150/month (includes usage ​of quiet space in the morning, proctoring, and some ​help with work as needed)

  • $50 registration fee
  • Billing is based on a 10-month (one school year) commitment.
  • Payments are due the first of each month.
  • Please contact us with any questions regarding pricing.

Our location

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We are located in southern ​Ocean County, NJ. Our exact ​location is coming soon!

Meet the Teachers

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Jennifer Garcia

  • MAed Speicial Education
  • MS in Curriculum and Development, ​concentration as a Reading Specialist
  • MAed Administration and Supervison
  • NJ State Certified ELA K-12, Reading K-12, ​Science, SpEd, Applied Behavioral Analysis ​& Verbal Behavior
  • 22 years of teaching experience

Contact Information


Tammy McComb

  • MS in Education, emphasis in Applied ​Behavior Analysis
  • NJ State Certified Teacher
  • 17 years of teaching experience

Contact Information
